Backpack Moment

This is the women’s time and we want to celebrate it with the new Must-have - BackPack Moment.With the ever-changing world, the woman of today is more active and dynamic than ever.
With Maria Maleta BackPack, you can, in a classic, comfortable or fascinating way, be the center of attention, being free and active to play your role as a woman in the most irreverent way
.Because even when you’re facing back, you should smile to the world.




Três modelos, seis momentos de vida que pode usufruir. A Maria Maleta BackPack, é uma mochila reversível, onde terá sempre dois lados para se revelar de uma forma intemporal. Uma Mulher, uma mala – dois momentos.
Faça parte no mundo da Maria Maleta, que da mão passa para o ombro, e que agora tem o prazer de poder fazer das suas costas uma identidade.
Este é momento das mulheres sorrirem e gritarem ao Mundo a sua grandiosidade, onde mesmo de costas, o momento é sempre delas.
Three models, six moments of life that you can enjoy. Maria Maleta BackPack, is a reversible backpack, where you will always have two sides to reveal in a timeless way. A woman, a bag - two moments. Take part in the world of Maria Maleta, that passes from the hand to the shoulder, and that now is pleased to be able to make your back an identity. This is the moment for women to smile and shout to the world their grandeur, where even back facing, the moment is always theirs.